I peak in to see what happens with Affinity but I mainly use it to open legacy documents and maybe a quick export job. I think it's 2.6 now? I'm still on 2.4.2. Little things here and there I might use it for, but I'm always holding my breath when I need to access the Expand Stroke function to do anything. The version I'm currently running is before they "fixed" Expand Stroke to accommodate a new feature set and the algorithmic issues less obvious for that particular audience... but the problems are still there under the hood, the bugs are rampant and some of the regressions, including changes to ES are a problem for those of us with legacy files.
I don't expect VS to directly compete with Affinity. Feature-wise it's already well-suited for many jobs. It just needs a bit more love when it comes to UX/document creation (especially Windows-related items) and then for me that's replacing a lot of programs that become increasingly annoying to deal with... (such as Adobe...) ...
Anyway, I don't post as much on the forum, but I email any bugs to the developer. They are very responsive and I always look forward to the new updates/tweaks.