Shortcuts on Mac

VectorStyler Shortcuts on MacOS

VectorStyler shortcuts are used to provide quick access to commands and tools. The shortcuts assigned to commands accessible from the menu are shown next to the command name. The shortcuts assigned to tools are shown in the tool tip displayed when hovering over the tool.

The VectorStyler shortcuts can be customized using the Keyboard Shortcuts command described in the Settings and Customization chapter.

In the default configuration of VectorStyler following shortcuts can be used.

Common tasks

Command Shortcut
Create a new document Command + N
Save the current document Command + S
Open a document Command + O
Repeat the last change Control + R
Undo the last change Command + Z
Redo the last change Shift + Command + Z
Cut Command + X
Copy Command + C
Paste Command + V
Show or Hide all panels Tab


Command Shortcut
Drawing Lines \
Node editor tool A
Brush painter tool B
Collider tool C
Direct Selector tool (select objects inside groups) D
Ellipse tool E
Pencil tool F
Gradient tool G
Document view panning tool H
Style picker tool I
Rectangle tool J
Select and transform tool V
Path Sketch tool L
Magic wand tool M
Node editor tool N
Reflector tool O
Bezier drawing tool P
Stroke profile tool Shift + P
Contour editor tool Q
Document view rotation tool R
Rotate tool Shift + R
Tiling pattern tool S
Vector text tool T
Gradient mesh tool U
Character tool V
Blend tool W
Liquify tool Shift + W
Swap Fill / Stroke Mode X
Clear Fill or Stroke /
Select Color ,
Select Gradient .
Lasso selection mode Y
Document view zooming tool Z
Elastic warp tool Shift + A
Path Brush tool Shift + B
Divide the selected shapes Shift + D
Eraser tool Shift + E
4-Point distortion tool Shift + F
Envelope distortion tool Shift + G
Merge the selected shapes Shift + M
Create and change artboards Shift + O
Unite the selected shapes Shift + U

Editing commands

Command Shortcut
Undo the last change Command + Z
Redo the last undone change Shift + Command + Z
Repeat the last change Control + R
Cut Command + X
Copy Command + C
Paste Command + V
Paste above the selected objects Command + F
Paste below the selected objects Command + B
Paste inside the selected object Control + Command + V
Copy the object appearance to the clipboard Shift + Command + C
Opens the find replace view Command + F
Find the next object or text with the current criteria Option + N
Find the previous object or text with the current criteria Option + E
Select all objects with the current find criteria Shift + Command + F
Delete the selected object, text or path node delete
Duplicate the selected objects Command + D
Create a symbolic reference to the selected object Option + Command + D
Create a clone of the selected objects Option + D

Documents and Files

Command Shortcut
Create a new document Command + N
Create a new document by setting its properties first Option + Command + N
Create a new document from a template file Shift + Command + N
Create a new document from the clipboard Control + Command + N
Open an existing document from a file Command + O
Revert the current document to its last saved state F12
Close the current document Command + W
Close all views of the current document Option + Command + W
Save the current document Command + S
Save the current document to another file Shift + Command + S
Save a copy of the current document Option + Command + S
Save the current canvas to a file Control + Command + S
Import a file into the current document Command + I
Link a file into the current document Option + Command + I
Export content from the current document to a file Command + E
Repeat the last exporting command Shift + Command + E
Export the slices defined in the current document Control + E
Print content from the current document Command + P
Repeat the last printing command Option + Command + P
Open the document options view Option + Command + P

Selecting objects

Command Shortcut
Select all objects on the current canvas Command + A
Select all objects on the current artboard Option + Command + A
Select all objects inside the current view Control + Command + A
Deselect current selection Shift + Command + A
Exit from isolated mode escape
Select all unselected objects Shift + Command + I
Restore the last selection Command + 6
Select the previous object in the object stack Control + {
Select the next object in the object stack Control + }
Add the previous object in the object stack to the selection Shift + Control + {
Add the next object in the object stack to the selection Shift + Control + }

Artboard and Canvas commands

Command Shortcut
Open the canvas options view Option + Control + C
Create a new canvas Control + C
Duplicate the current canvas Shift + Control + C
Open the artboard options view Option + Control + A
Create a new artboard Control + A
Go to the previous artboard PageDown
Go to the next artboard PageUp
Go to the previous canvas Command + PageDown
Go to the next canvas Command + PageUp
Go to the first member canvas Shift + Command + PageDown
Go to the template canvas Shift + Command + PageUp

Changing Objects

Command Shortcut
Move the selected objects by setting the exact movement amounts Shift + Option + M
Scale the selected objects by setting the exact scaling amounts Shift + Option + S
Rotate the selected objects by setting the exact angle Shift + Option + R
Apply a transformation to the selected objects Shift + Option + T
Move the selected objects by a user-defined amount Left, Right, Up or Down Arrow
Move the selected objects by 10 times a user-defined amount Shift + Left, Right, Up or Down Arrow
Scale the selected objects by a user-defined amount Shift + Option + Left, Right, Up or Down Arrow
Rotate the selected objects by a user-defined amount Command + Left or Right Arrow
Move the selected objects upward in the object stack Command + Up Arrow
Move the selected objects downward in the object stack Command + Down Arrow
Move the selected objects to the front of the object stack Option + Command + Up Arrow
Move the selected objects to the back of the object stack Option + Command + Down Arrow
Move the selected objects inside the last selected object Option + Command + Right Arrow
Move the selected objects outside of their container object Option + Command + Left Arrow
Reverse the order of the selected objects Option + Control + R
Group the selected objects into a single group object Command + G
Ungroup the selected group objects Shift + Command + G
Swap the locked state of the selected objects Option + Command + L
Swap the hidden state of the selected objects Option + Command + H
Create a new layer Command + L
Edit the options of the selected objects Shift + Command + O
Edit the options of the current layer Shift + Command + L
Merge the selected objects into a single combined shape Command + 8
Breaks apart the selected composite shapes Control + K
Closes the selected open path with a line segment Command + J
Reverse the direction of the selected object path Control + U
Convert the selected object shape to curves Shift + Option + O
Intersect the selected object shapes Shift + Option + X

Styling commands

Command Shortcut
Open the Preset Manager view Command + M
Edit the document level style definitions Command + U
Edit the current canvas style overrides and definitions Option + Command + U
Edit the selected object style overrides and definitions Shift + Command + U
Expand the selected symbol objects Shift + Control + R
Expand the selected group combination Shift + Control + G
Expand the stroke outline of the selected objects Shift + Control + S
Expand the content objects of the selected tiling pattern fill Shift + Control + P
Find and replace objects and symbols Option + Command + R
Select the next blend mode Shift + Plus
Select the previous blend mode Shift + Minus

Text Formatting

Command Shortcut
Edit the selected object text wrapping options Option + Control + W
Edit the character style attributes of the selected text Control + T
Edit the paragraph style attributes of the selected text Control + P
Create or edit the text on path formatting options Option + Control + F
Convert between frame and vector text modes Control + V
Decrease tracking in the selected text Control + Option + Left
Increase tracking in the selected text Control + Option + Right
Decrease leading in the selected text Control + Option + Down
Increase leading in the selected text Control + Option + Up

Color, Shape and Image Effects

Command Shortcut
Create a blend between the selected objects Option + Command + B
Edit the blending options the selected blend effect Control + Command + B
Create a contour effect on the selected object Option + Command + C
Edit the contour effect options of the selected contour object Control + Command + C
Edit the image effects of the selected objects Option + Control + X
Edit the shape effects of the selected objects Option + Control + S

Viewing documents

Command Shortcut
Open a new document view of the current document Shift + Option + N
Zoom to actual size Command + 1
Zoom to show the current artboard Command + 0
Zoom to show the all artboards of the current canvas Option + Command + 0
Zoom to show the all objects of the current canvas Command + 2
Zoom to show the selected objects Command + 4
Reset the rotation of the document view Command + 3
Pan the view to center the current mouse position Command + 5
Show or hide the artboard frame Option + Command + F
Show or hide the transparency grid Option + Command + G
Activate the next document view Command + ~
Activate the previous document view Shift + Command + ~
Activate the next document view Command + F6
Activate the previous document view Shift + Command + F6
Swap between outline and vector preview modes Command + Y
Swap between pixel and vector preview modes Command + =
Show or hide the document ruler Shift + Command + R
Zoom In Command + Plus
Zoom Out Command + Minus
Rotate document view counter clockwise Command + {
Rotate document view clockwise Command + }
Show or hide the guidelines Command + ;
Lock or unlock the guidelines Shift + Command + ;
Create guidelines from the selected objects Option + G
Release the selected guideline objects Shift + Option + G
Turn snap to grid on or off Command + '
Turn snap to guideline on or off Command + /
Turn snap to objects on or off Command + .
Activate or deactivate split display mode Shift + ,
Swap between vertical and horizontal split display mode Shift + /

Opening and Closing Panels

Command Shortcut
Show or hide the Image Effects panel Control + X
Show or hide the Shape Effects panel Control + S
Show or hide the Blend panel Control + B
Show or hide the Contour panel Control + D
Show or hide the Character Options panel Command + T
Show or hide the Paragraph Options panel Shift + Command + T
Show or hide the Text on Path panel Control + F
Show or hide the Text Wrap panel Control + W
Show or hide the Glyph panel Control + G
Show or hide the History panel Control + H
Show or hide the Navigator panel Control + N
Show or hide the Snapping Options panel Control + Command + ,
Show or hide the Magic Wand panel Control + M
Show or hide the Appearance panel Shift + Control + B
Show or hide the Alignment panel Shift + Control + A
Show or hide the Canvas and Artboard panel Option + A
Show or hide the Brush panel Option + B
Show or hide the Color panel Option + C
Show or hide the Path panel Option + P
Show or hide the Corner panel Option + F
Show or hide the Color Palette panel Option + H
Show or hide the Color Variations panel Option + I
Show or hide the Gradient panel Option + J
Show or hide the Pattern panel Option + K
Show or hide the Layers panel Option + L
Show or hide the Transparency panel Option + M
Show or hide the Shape panel Option + S
Show or hide the Transform panel Option + T
Show or hide the Noise Fill panel Option + U
Show or hide the Stroke panel Option + W
Show or hide the Brush Presets panel Option + Q
Show or hide the Presets panel Option + Control + T
Show or hide the Override panel Option + O
Show or hide the Styles panel Option + V
Show or hide the Symbols panel Option + X

Application commands

Command Shortcut
Hide VectorStyler Command + H
Quit VectorStyler Command + Q
Settings Command + K
Keyboard Shortcuts Shift + Option + Command + K

Drawing and Editing

Command Shortcut
Constrain to proportional shape in drawing and scaling Shift + Drag
Centered drawing or scaling Control + Drag
Disable snapping while drawing Command + Drag
Constrain angles while editing curves Control + Drag
Constrain angles while drawing lines and curves Shift + Drag
Constrain movement direction to horizontal or vertical Shift + Drag
Constrain scaling to user defined proportions Command + Drag
Apply drag&drop changes to group member objects Command + Release
Create linked content object (instead of importing) when dropping files on a document Option + Release
Create linked content object (instead of importing) when dropping files on a document Option + Release
Do not replace image or linked content from dropping an other file on the object Control + Release
Extract a single object from a blend object when double clicking (instead of separating) Option + Click
Adjust variable width profile of contour effects Command + Press
Insert mesh node when double clicking on a path in mesh distortion Option + Click
Create mesh gradient and distortion shape using lines Shift + Click
Rotate node in elastic warp Command + Drag
Skip point insertion when creating mesh gradient with the mesh tool Command + Drag
Swap node selection in gradient editor Shift + Drag
Constrain radius in gradient editor Option + Drag
Constrain tiling pattern rotation in pattern editor Shift + Drag
Constrain tiling pattern size and scaling in pattern editor Option + Drag
Swap selection in all selection tools Shift + Click
Add to selection in all selection tools Control + Click
Select objects inside group objects Command + Click
Constrain length of lines or tangents in node editor tool Control + Drag
Constrain angles of lines or tangents in node editor tool Option + Drag
Intersect and redirect path at self intersection points Command + Click
Constrain to equal corners in the shape corner editor Control + Drag
Change local corner only Option + Drag
Select all corner attributes (not just size) Shift + Drag
Select or deselect corner node Command + Drag
Draw lines using the pencil or pen tool Control + Drag
Draw quadratic curves using the pen tool Shift + Drag
Extend existing open curve while drawing a line or curve (even if not clicked on the ending node) Shift + Drag
Create new object while drawing a line or curve (even if clicked on the ending node) Command + Drag
Bend opposing rectangle side by the same amount Shift + Drag
Bend opposing rectangle side by the negative amount Command + Drag
Draw a circle using only the two points across the diagonal Command + Drag
Pick shape, style or effect from objects behind the current selection Shift + Click
Pick a new shape from an object Command + Click
Pick shape, style or effect from objects inside groups also Command + Click
Do not change angle in spiral and polygonal spiral shape drawing and editing Shift + Drag
Do not change radius in spiral and polygonal spiral shape drawing and editing Option + Drag
Do not change rotation in various shape editing Shift + Drag
Do not change size in various shape editing Option + Drag
Create variable width profile if uniform, or adjust whole with if profile exists Command + Drag
Add a vertical zone to the edited 9-slice scaling Option + Click
Add a horizontal zone to the edited 9-slice scaling Shift + Click
Remove a zone from the edited 9-slice scaling Command + Click
Scale the opposite side uniformly of a variable width profile Option + Drag
Scale all nodes uniformly in the variable width profile Shift + Drag
Stretch all nodes according to the location of changed node in a variable width profile Shift + Drag
Duplicate a variable width profile node Option + Drag
Stroke width brush thinning mode Shift + Drag
Rotate guideline around the center of the visible guideline segment Control + Drag
Update guideline place (artboard or canvas) when moving Control + Drag