Settings and Customization

Settings and Customization

The VectorStyler application menu provides access to a number of customization options, used to adjust various application settings and behavior.

The following customization options are available:

  • Workspaces - Save and reload workspace configurations from workspace files.
  • Settings - Edit the application settings, organized into sections.
  • Settings Files - Save and reload application settings from files.
  • Application Menu - Customize the content and organization of the application menu.
  • Contextual Menu - Customize the content and organization of various contextual menus.
  • Keyboard Shortcuts - Customize the keyboard shortcut assignments.
  • Customize Toolboxes - Customize the content of various toolboxes.


  • Settings - Describes all application settings accessed by using the Settings command.
  • Application Menu - Describes how to customize the application menu.
  • Contextual Menus - Describes how to customize contextual menus, shown when Control+Clicking in the document.
  • Keyboard Shortcuts - Describes how to customize keyboard shortcuts.
  • Customize Toolboxes - Describes how to customize toolboxes.
  • Customize Icons - Describes how to customize the application icons.


The application workspace can be saved to a file, and previously saved workspaces reloaded. A workspace file contains all user interface states, panel and view sizes, and persistent options of various views, accumulated through the use of the application.

Workspaces contain the following states (among others):

  • The size and positions of all modal views.
  • The size, position and docking status of all panels.
  • The size, position and docking status of all toolboxes and the context panel.
  • The customizations made on the application menu.
  • Shortcut and toolbox customizations.
  • The state of panel variations. For example, whether the basic or detailed view was last used in the image and shape effects panels.
  • Various randomization settings made through the user interface.
  • Choices made in panels and views, that are marked to be persistent. For example the sorting and viewing modes of presets or styles.

The VectorStyler - Workspaces menu contains commands to save and restore the workspace.

  • To restore all views and panels to their original state, select the Restore Default command.
  • To load a previously saved workspace from a file, select the Load From File command.
  • To save the current workspace to a file, select the Save to File command.