Yes I agree that over time, as VS continues to evolve and improve with each update , as VS Documentation is further developed, and as more people become knowledgeable about the program and post videos and other tutorials, it will help us all get a better handle on the program.
All vector programs have a steep learning curve to a beginner. The developer has acknowledged VS has a steep learning curve. It goes hand-in-hand when you have a program packed with a lot of stuff and still in early development. I mentioned it in the context that anything (like improving the Status Bar) that helps people grasp the program sooner in today's "microwave society" (not saying I agree with it, but just how it is), will help VS succeed (and I know you and I are amoung the biggest contributors and champions of VS! ) While of course the target market is relevant, the focus and goal should be to make the program as simple, intuitive, and user friendly as possible, regardless of the experience of the user. Even power-users don't want stuff harder to use just because they have experience or can figure it out, ha, ha:
It is encouraging to see the continued improvement of VS. The developer and its loyal users need to continue to press forward to help continue this trend.