FR: Randomization for Layers Transform Properties and Colors
It could be nice if we had a way to randomize certain layers properties, like scale, rotation, colors, by a certain min/max amount.
It is missing in affinity, but present in Illutsrator:
from the video below: system would be very appreciated
Thx for listening!
@X-Raym Randomization exists, but only when transforming with copy. Will enable for regular transform also.
There is the new Repeater panel, to create repetitions of objects, with various size and color changes (still in beta, documentation will be available later).
Also: you may want to look into Shape Effects (Shape Effects panel), and for example "Distortion -> Perturbation", with the "Rigid Shapes" option enabled:
Will enable for regular transform also.
Nice to hear ! This will allows to work with pre-existig document, where shapes are already created.
These others methods seems interesting as well, I'll take a look !
@vectoradmin said in FR: Randomization for Layers Transform Properties and Colors:
@X-Raym Randomization exists, but only when transforming with copy. Will enable for regular transform also.
Great! I was going to ask why Randomize is not available for the original objects.
@X-Raym Transform Each allows randomization now in build 1.1.002 beta
@vectoradmin Wow, that was quick!
We are waiting for this in Affinity Designer and in one day you propose something....Anyway I tested the function. It has one issue:
- Some flash on the preview, when moving sliders, where we can see objects at initial positions
In other words, preview has to be more smooth so we can enjoy this even more
@X-Raym Could not replicate the "flashing" with the transform view.
If you could make a short recording with "", was this on Windows on Mac?