Adobe has something new related to 3D-Illustration ...
just for your info, will answer but it will
take yet some time, see you later
@Pat said in Adobe has something new related to 3D-Illustration ...:
@Subpath I wonder what VS's potential will be for creating 3D objects - I seem to have read that even Illustrator has the ability to use artificial intelligence to create (3D ?) vector objects...
ai for vector objects is already possible
but not for 3D, dont know if this will ever be possible for 3D
... I wonder what VS's potential will be for creating 3D objects ...This Topic came up already a few times. Would say that this would
nice to have. CorelDraw has such a 3D part and Magix graphics designer
also, i own a copy of both.In CorelDraw the Results stay as Vector Objects. Where in Magix Graphics Designer
the Result could only convert in a Bitmap. I prefer Results as Vector graphics.
Both are useful for simple Extrusion, rotating and moving objects in 3D Space.3D Feature wise, most users would be happy with just some 3D-Extrusion for
Text and vector shapes, i think. And adding some Beveling options would also
be welcome. I think all of this could be doable in Vectorstyler too.For more complex stuff e.g. the use of booleans, different material
rendering ect a 3D Program would be a better option.
As much as i dont like Adobe, i find the adobe solution shown in the Video
a clever step. While SDF based modeling is nothing new, there are a few
3D Programs out there and even Blender made experiments with SDF base
modeling in geometry Nodes.Adobe offers to export the result as .SVG and it looks really seemless.
And the use SDF 3D Modeling allows beginners and unexperient users
a easy way in 3D modeling.
.SDF 3D Modelling plus and minus:
Very easy to modelling 3D Objects for beginners or unexperient usersEverthing stay editable all the time
Live booleans, which stays also editable of course
a mathematical approach, as far as i know
so no 3D Meshes, you could create big scenerys
without a memory overloadMinus
No Text editing yetBending of 3D-Objects also not yet
Here a few Links from Womp 3D youtube channel
other SDF Programs works similar.some typography fun with womp 3D
editing text is not possible but you could modeling it
Here is another SDF 3D modeling program
is called βClaviculaβ and offers a few more features
than other SDF modelers. But it's a little harder to grasp.It's free (PC, Mac, Linux)
For everyone who is interested.Here is a link to their YouTube channel
As you can see in the video, everything remains editable
that make modeling fun
@Subpath thank you for this information and this link
it can be inspiring for the development of VS
@Pat said in Adobe has something new related to 3D-Illustration ...:
@Subpath thank you for this information and this link
it can be inspiring for the development of VS
everbody is welcome
Here a Blender version of SDF modeling
still in development, the first alpha is expected in 2024
looks promising so far, i think.Blender version SDF modeling video 1
Blender version SDF modeling video 2
again, you could see how easy it is to 3D modeling this way
@Subpath I had to look up what SDF means in the 3D world
I've already tried to use Blender for my courses, but I closed the software almost immediately after opening it. I didn't know how to get started. At the time, I felt more comfortable with Cinema 4D. The only simple and useful "3D-type" stuff I ever did was with AIllustrator... sure, it wasn't really sophisticated 3D, but it was already very good and it allowed me to have illustrations that corresponded to what I wanted to obtain as graphics (with extrusion, bevel,etc.).
@Subpath said in Adobe has something new related to 3D-Illustration ...:
again, you could see how easy it is to 3D modelling this way
Looks easy and watching video is easy but mastering Blender is no easy job!
i got still a copy of Cinema 4D 11.5
but i am out of buying newer Version since
they switch to subscription
@Ayo, @Pat
3D modeling is not an easy task per se. I know that many
are afraid of the challenge, Using Blender for 3D modeling.
But aside from 3D modeling, Blender has many uses.For example, I built this little scooter with the first version of MagicaCSG.
I imported the .ply file into Blender and used Blenders inbuild Freestyle Renderer
to render the outer contour as an .SVG vector file. Which i loaded into VectorStyler.
The outlines are very messy, but it works.3D Model in MagicaCSG
SVG Output from Blender, is a vector graphics file
Here a Pic of MagicaCSG its a tiny 3D SDF Modeler
from the same guy "Ephtracy" who made Magicavoxel.
Its current in development, you have to be a Patreon
of it to get a copy. I have no Problem to support him.Pic of MagicaCSG
For those who dont fear the Blender Challenge
Well i dont use Blender actually for 3D-Modeling.
But i would not fear the challenge so much.Blender goes trough many transformations its now at
Version 4.1 many things have changed. Add to this the great
help that is avaible with youtube tutorials.Apart form this there is are also a special fork (Version) of Blender
which is a bit behind the actual Version but offers all Features.
Its call "Bforartist" "Blender for Artist". The goal of this fork is to make
Blender easiere to use. They revampe the UI and the make the tasks more
mouse orientied.Here the Link to their Website
A little update:
The public alpha of ConjurSDF, the SDF modeling addon
for Blender, has now been released.I already mentioned ConjureSDF in a post above.
This enables SDF modeling in Blender now.
Another little update related to MagicaCSG.
I asked the developer once about this, but wasn't sure if it
would ever be happen. But Womp 3D has it and MagicaCSG
will now also get a Text Tool. It is currently in development.The not so good news is that MagicaCSG only runs on PCs.
Here the Link related to the Text Tool the whole MagicaCSG Thread
MagicaCSG related, a free version is online
For anyone who like to tried out SDF-Modeling
here is the free Version of MagicaCSG (PC,only).Its a bit limited features wise. But you can have
fun with it and it is free. Save and load your models
is possible, but no model export as .plyNo install is needed, just unzip the File and start the .exe
Here the Link:
Here a little scooter i once made in MagicaCSG
in a much older Version
A Video of the upcoming Text Feature of MagicaCSG
there will only be one font for now because this feature
requires some processing power.