Layer Panel SHOW/HIDE not working properly- Not Hiding, leaving behind a Temporary Outline, Rotating Objects

  • Multiple bugs are happening with the Show/Hide Eyeball Icon in the Layer Panels.

    I'm not sure if this is the case all of the time, but it seems to be related to if the Objects had NO FILL. Or at least when initially drawn having no Fill. This is just a preliminary guess.

    Divide Command
    After performing some Boolean Commands (I tested Divide and Trim) in these examples.

    Draw a Rectangle. Draw an Ellipse Partially overlapping. Click on Divide. The Middle (2nd) Object in the Layers Panel will not “Hide” when clicking the Eyeball Icon.

    After a Divide Command, some Objects that have NO FILL, do not "Hide" at all (Object does not disappear on Artboard)

    With Trim: the first time you try to Hide, It disappears off the Artboard but leaves a “trace” of the Outline behind. Afterwords, clicking on a blank space in the Artboard makes the trace Outline go away, but the Hide function still does not work on the Bottom Object in the Layers Panel**

    Without using any Boolean Operation, I’ve also had Objects, when clicking on the Hide Eyeball Icon, "Rotate" instead of Hide**,....... or did Hide, but viewed in the Outline mode, showed it was rotated (I believe the ones that did that I had previously rotated).

    I’ve only had a chance to test out the two Boolean Operations described so far, so you probably should test all the Boolean options to see if any other ones are having similar hide (or other) problems.

  • administrators

    @Vector-Rock I could not replicate this issue, but it will keep it open. Was this on Windows or Mac?

    If there is an example file where it could be replicated, please send it to me by email. It could be that for some reason the Layers panel does not update after a change and then this breaks the hiding/showing tools.