"Shift+Click to deselect a single selected object" issue

  • 0_1720095113587_ShiftClick.png

    Box Selection Mode
    Transform Tool, Deep Select Tool or ShapeTool

    Shift+Click to add multiple objects to a selection.
    Shift+Click a selected object to deselect it.

    Issue: A single selected object can't be deselected by Shift+Click'ing

    Deselecting a single selection by Shift+Click works when mode is Lasso or Polygonal Lasso, just not Box.

    (I can always Ctrl+Shift+A or Click in the void or Click the selection indicator in the Layer Panel)

    BR/ Lars Herold
    1.2.030 Win11

  • @larsherold
    Box selection works just fine here.

    Drag 1 [shift] drag+2 [shift] drag-2 [shift] drag-1 empty!

  • @larsherold
    Transform tool selection, deselect first, works not.

    Click 1 [shift] click+2 [shift] click-2 [shift] click-1 NOT empty! Keeps selection. Esc then...

  • @Ayo
    Box with Shift+Drag works to select and deselect back to an empty selection.
    Lasso with Shift+Lasso'ing works to select and deselect back to an empty selection.

    Only Box with Shift+Click will not deselect a single selected object.

    Yes, I can Escape to deselect all - but there is a (small) inconsistency in the selection logic here..

  • administrators

    @larsherold Box+Shift Click issue can be replicated here. I will fix this ASAP.