Just a Pattern

  • Working on a Mosaic Project, reusing an old pattern i made,
    here a Result. Everything made in VectorStyler. To get slightly
    different colors for each mosaic tile "Disturb Colors" was used.
    Menu > Effects > Replace Colors > Disturb Colors

  • played with randomness

    Was playing with randomize in the Repeater using just a quad.
    Did a Boolean "Dividide" with the Result, then a "Offset Path" Shape Effect
    " Inner Offset" and at least i use "Colorize" with a Color Palette i made.

  • Someone said the previous picture looked like a collection
    of Polaroid photos, so I made a version like that too.
    This was made with the help of Actions (Vectorstyler Macros)
    to get the Polaroid look.
