Odd Bug
https://youtu.be/OIjNdJnHvVY?si=Zh2lrNLM7jV9Cg_1 The same graphics are enlarged and reduced for display, and then the path is expanded to get different results.I shared the file with Li Xiao, and he didn't have the same bug as me. It feels related to the display, or is it the graphics card? 0_1716043937054_red.vstyler
@monsterfox This is an issue in the stroke expand. The stroke expand precision can be controlled using the zoom level.
When zoomed in the precision is better, but results in more nodes when expanding.
When zoomed out, the precision is reduced but it also results in a smaller number of nodes.
What happens here is that in the zoomed out case, the stroke expand did not clean the resulting path correctly.
I will try to improve this.