Artboard name issue. Looks like gibberish

  • Hola! New user here. I'm having some trouble with the artboard name visualization. It looks like gibberish at the moment. If this is not a bug, could you please give some advice regarding how to fix that? Thank you0_1712674912271_vectorstyler_artboard_name_issue.png

  • administrators

    @Paola_B It does look like a bug. It should be displaying the same name as in the Canvas panel.

    Can you describe what system you have (Mac, Windows)? It might be that the default font used to display the artboard name is missing.

    Also: you can change the font used here, in Settings -> Artboards (scroll down on the left side list), and click the Artboard Label button to select font, size, and color for the artboard label.

  • @VectorStyler I changed the Artboard Label font as suggested, and it worked. By the way, I'm using a M1 Silicon Mac with Ventura 13.6.3. Thank you!