Expanded repeater behaving strangely, cannot see child objects

  • I created a repeater to randomly fill an area with symbols. I then expanded that repeater so I could manually move and edit those symbols. The resulting repeater now shows in the layer panel but I cannot view any of its children in the layer panel. I am able to access them when double clicking to isolate, but even the isolated layers menu only shows the repeater. At this point, using "locate selection" also does nothing.



    Additionally, I tried to use the Liquify Tool to modify the object acting as the clipping group containing this strange repeater. As soon as I use the Liquify tool the contents of the repeater object change as if they were still a Repeater object. However the Repeater Panel does not let me change the parameters on it. Using undo on the Liquify Tool reverts back to its previous form. I have a project file which reproduces this between restarts if you would like me to upload it somewhere.



  • administrators

    @LoginError Not sure what could be the cause of this. But I see in the Appearance panel two "Group" items. Which means that the selected object somehow got two group contents and one of them might be empty.
    Try deleting one of the Group items in the Appearance panel.

    Also: send me the file to csraba at vectorstyler.com, and I will try to figure out what could have caused this.

  • That is interesting. I'm not sure how it got two groups.

    Deleting the first group deletes all the repeater references, deleting the second group which appears to be empty allows me to "expand" the repeater on the layer panel and see all the referenced objects.

    Even after removing the empty group, the repeater has the same behavior when using the liquefy tool on the clipping group object.

    I have sent you the file.

  • administrators

    @LoginError said in Expanded repeater behaving strangely, cannot see child objects:

    the repeater has the same behavior when using the liquefy tool on the clipping group object.

    Got the file. Yes, there seems to be a bug here with the Symbols. I will try to fix this for the next build.

  • administrators

    This issue should be fixed in build 1.2.019