Move it by ⇧+→.
ver. 1.2.002 Intel
I have set Stroke Units to millimeters in "Number Editors".
I can move an object 0.1mm with →.
But with ⇧+→, it should move 1mm, but it moves 10pt. Is there any other place where I should set it?
@861475_VctSt Move the object or change the stroke width?
When moving objects, pressing Shift+ will nudge by 10x the nudging amount. This is set in Settings -> Nudging.
I want to move an object 10 times 0.1mm.
How do I enter the values here?
@861475_VctSt Got it. Looks like the percentage value is read as 10 pt (not 10x). This is a bug, will be fixed in the as soon as possible.