Path Brush Tool Not Accepting Color Direction from Sampled Colors
I think I figured out the issue I'm having. The path brush is not honoring the eyedropper sampling of a color from an embedded jpeg image directly. The path brush tool only seems to accept colors one of two ways: by using a color previously added to the default palette or if you select an existing shape in the document with the intended color then new shapes will inherit that color.
Could this option be added to allow the path brush tool to use whatever color is sampled, even if it's not yet in the palette? Would this cause an issue within the document? I just tested this in Illustrator CS6 with their "blob tool" equivalent to the path brush tool and it accepts whatever the eyedropper samples. It does not automatically add the color to the palette
@Boldline Added this to the backlog.
@Boldline Not clear from the recording, but what is the tool you used to pick colors?
@VectorStyler I was using the style picker tool using shift-click over the color i wanted
@Boldline Use the color picker from the color panel.