Color slider in color palette does not function properly

  • Environment Overview
    MacBook Air Mid 2012 / OS 10.15.7
    VS: 1.1.095

    My document settings are as follows,
    Document>Color: CMYK / JapanColor 2001 Corted
    The issue will happen with any setting except CMYK.

    I use the remove button to remove the square fill and stroke.
    Then, the slider does not move and the original values are still displayed.

    fig. A

    Check this state in the Propaties palette,
    The tip seems to be transparent.
    Fill and Stroke display different values from those in the color palette.

    fig. B

    Now another work. Import an image.
    When you select the image, the tip seems to be transparent, but it is filled in the color palette.
    When I look at the fill in the properties palette, I see that tip is transparent,
    When you push the slider, the slider shows a puzzling value.

    fig. C

  • administrators

    @861475_VctSt Yes, this can be replicated here also.

    But it is not a bug, the different color selectors show a default color value, while the color panel keeps the last valid color. I would like to keep this unchanged for now.

  • @VectorStyler

    If this is the spec, I will just have to get used to it.

    I understand about shape, etc.
    However, it is my opinion that it does not make sense to have the most recent FILL value in the imported image.
    Please consider this in the future.

    The following operations are completely useless.
    Import the image.
    Remove cololer because you are concerned about the color slider value.
    The image disappears.
    Move the slider to 0 manually.

  • administrators

    @861475_VctSt said in Color slider in color palette does not function properly:

    However, it is my opinion that it does not make sense to have the most recent FILL value in the imported image.
    Please consider this in the future.

    I will try to fix this later.