Incorrect preset shape is showing in Shape dropdown

  • When you create a preset for (in my case) a rectangle, when you draw out a new rectangle the saved preset style for the rectangle will show in the dropdown even though the rectangle you just draw is not the preset style.

    1. Create a rectangle.
    2. In the Shape dropdown of the Context Toolbar select Create Preset (or Create Style) for the rectangle.
    3. Name the preset.
    4. Delete the rectangle.
    5. Draw out a new rectangle of an arbitrary size but make sure its dimensions are different than what you saved for the style (or preset) above.
    6. Notice that in the Context Toolbar the last selected preset/style is showing but you did not actually selected it for the new rectangle you just drew.

    If you draw out a new rectangle, a preset or style should not be shown in the Shape dropdown because obviously the new rectangle is not of the style/preset what is shown in the dropdown.

    See video here:

    VS 1.1.094

  • @pentool Replicated here, and the preset name remains in the Shape dropdown after deletion, until app restart.

  • administrators

    @pentool Same as the other one, added it to the backlog.