The opacity value stay at 100%

  • I decreased the opacity value & the opacity decreased but the value stays at 100%:


  • @Pat If the screenshot would include the panel title and if you would
    upload the file with that shape you would get help faster.

  • @b77 that's the Gradient panel ☺

  • administrators

    @Pat Does it show the opacity if you select a gradient knob (on the bottom of the panel)?
    That opacity value should be associated with gradient stops.

  • @VectorStyler yes indeed, and only the centre knob has reduced opacity. However, I have selected the whole object, so shouldn't all the opacities of the different knobs be modified?

  • @VectorStyler I'd also like to design different colour gradients and was wondering what's the best way of saving them and making a palette so that I can use them for all my files? Thanks ☺

  • administrators

    @Pat said in The opacity value stay at 100%:

    yes indeed, and only the centre knob has reduced opacity. However, I have selected the whole object, so shouldn't all the opacities of the different knobs be modified?

    Even if the whole object is selected, it contains different opacities at different locations, and those are shown / edited only if that knob is selected.

    what's the best way of saving them and making a palette so that I can use them for all my files?

    Save them as presets: Gradient panel menu -> Save Gradient Preset. Then they will be listed in the Presets panel (Panels -> Presets -> Presets)

  • @Pat said in The opacity value stay at 100%:

    @VectorStyler shouldn't all the opacities of the different knobs be modified?

    Change the opacity of the entire object from the Opacity slider in the Color panel.

    To change only the opacity of the Fill (color, gradient, pattern, whatever), expand the
    Fill attribute in the Appearance panel and adjust the Opacity slider there:

    alt text

  • @b77 nice, thanks. I didn't think about the Appearance panel for the opacity.

    The opacity feature of the Gradient panel adjust the opacity of one knob & it seems that it is the first (left) one by default.

    It works well through the appearance panel except that I can't use the cursor... I have to enter a value (a bug I suppose).
    I've just noticed that we can combine opacity values from the Gradient and Appearance panels, quite tricky afterwards to remember if one or both were changed.