Line Stroke Issue
I've noticed this on a number of occasions, it doesn't always happen, but it's bugged me all day today
Just create a rectangle - rather than the line thickness be the same all round, the ends are thicker ???
You can occasionally reset it by changing the position of the stroke position on the path.
Also, if a fixed round corner has been applied and the rectangle resized, the corners do not stay the size they were set to, they also distort if the rectangle is not resized proportionately.
Am I foolish to assume that the corners should remain at the size set by the corner editfield even after the rectangle has been resized (not in my book)?
Perhaps there's a pref for thatTIA
@Igull Looks like an accumulated transform on the stroke.
This can be cleared with the Appearance panel -> select Stroke -> and Clear Content Transform in panel menu.