Merge not working correct
Hello @VectorStyler,
if i select the group in attached file, and press merge the result is very strange.
100% reproducible at my side.
If I press in that situation undo, the result is not as expected too. One element is not at the correct position.
@MajorTom yes, can be replicated here also.
There seems to be a bug in how the transformations are expanded, also breaks the convert to curve operation.
Will be fixed ASAP.Workaround: ungroup first and then merge.
@MajorTom Were these shapes copied using "Clone"?
That might be where the bug is.
shape created, then Command+c and Commaned+v then rotated that one and the rest with Option+D.
Yes, you are right cloned.
@MajorTom This issue should be fixed in build 1.1.080