Pencil tool has the Rope stabilizer active on initial use even if stabilizer option is off
I noticed this on the M1 laptop yesterday but restarting VS cleared the issue then. I am noticing it occurring again today on the M1 mac mini I am using.
The first time I go to use the pencil tool, there is a rope stabilizer active in the use of the tool even when the settings at the top in the contextual menu have it set to "none". If I set the stabilizer to rope stabilizer and then switch back to none again, it works as it should with no stabilizer at all
(Ignore where I was confused why the pencil was not sticking with the fill setting - I realized after I needed to set that in the preferences)
@Boldline Clearly something goes wrong here. Either the context panel is not updated or the Pencil tool did not use the last settings.
I will try to replicate this issue.
@Boldline Can you send be the settings / workspace files, when this issue occurs.
@VectorStyler I just sent you an email with those files attached - let me know if you need anything else specifically and I can gather it and send over. thanks for looking into this