Symbol issues ( mega-topic ) ( partially unfixed )

  • Legend

    Notice: There's a summary at the bottom.

    ( accumulated ) : The sub-topic has been accumulated from an existing topic and marked there aswell.
    ( partially accumulated ) : Some aspects of the sub-topic have been accumulated from an existing topic and marked there aswell.
    CEDIT : EDIT for a sub ( child ) - topic
    PEDIT : EDIT for the mega ( parent ) - topic


    1. Symbol instance disappears when switching canvases ( accumulated )

    1.1 Description

    This can be fixed by either resetting the transparency ( UI shows 100%, so the issue might be something else ) or refreshing ( ctrl + r ).

    1.2 GIF

    alt text


    2. Copying a symbol reference breaks the link ( accumulated )

    alt text


    3. Expand symbol leaves on the symbol role ( accumulated )

    alt text


    4. Undo following cutting a symbol instance breaks its link

    alt text



    1. Symbol instance disappears when switching canvases ( accumulated )
    2. Copying a symbol reference breaks the link ( accumulated )
    3. Expand symbol leaves on the symbol role ( accumulated )
    4. Undo following cutting a symbol instance breaks its link

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