Paragraph Style > Labeling > Options > Fill Style Crash

  • Hello,
    With bulleted text highlighted, navigate to Paragraph Style > Labeling > Options
    Clicking on the Fill Style checkbox will crash VS.

    I am using Windows 11 and VectorStyler 1.1.024 latest build.

    0_1647875446701_Paragraph Style - Labeling - Options - Fill style - CRASH.png

    Thank you.

  • administrators

    @Victor-Vector Could not replicate this one (on Windows or Mac). What was the Label type selected in the Label section?
    The Fill Style checkbox should be disabled if no label type is selected.

  • @vectoradmin under Label I selected Bullets and chose the asterisk as the bullet style.

    I am also getting this odd selection behaviour where 3 lines selected displays as two, but the choice only "bullets" one line.
    Finally the display field for the bullet glyphs is not scaled correctly, and glyphs are missing. Are the missing glyphs due to the wrong font choice on my end?
    0_1647881573247_Bullets Labeling issue.png