Cut and Pasted Text does not retain current attributes

  • I don't know if this is a bug or if this is an intentional thing, or if I need to be pressing something else when I paste - In this video you can see at the bottom of the screen, I highlighted some of the existing text that I had sized and made white previously. I cut that text and then pasted it as a new text and it pasted as black instead of white. I would expect that text that is cut and pasted elsewhere would retain the attributes of the original text it was copied from?

  • administrators

    @Boldline In this case the color attribute is at the object level, and not in the text.
    If there are local formatting changes (character style, color, etc) those are copied, but the object level attributes (fill, opacity, etc) that were set for the whole text are not.

    I open a bug on this one, will try to find a solution.

  • @vectoradmin Would this tie in to the recent discussion about simplifying key commands to accomplish these different local formatting changes as well as the object levels attributes?
    I like that the user has so much control those in VS but it also affects efficiency of use. Illustrator for example, does not give as much control to the user, but it's super quick to just grab and go, copy and paste something, click on a new object and then use the eyedropper to quickly click on something else to get it to copy how it looks.
    If I remember correctly in the other conversation, everything was going to be simplified to a modifier key option tied to the eyedropper tool so we can still retain the control, but also do it quickly

  • @vectoradmin Here the rule should be 'If the command results in something unexpected for the user, it's usually not OK'.

    I think users expect text to lose attributes only when that text is pasted (inserted) into another piece of text. In this case it's normal for the inserted text to take the attributes of the "host".

    Other than that, when pasted as a new object I would expect it to keep the same color, text decoration, size, as the text from where it was copied.

  • @b77 I agree with you overall - I was trying to find the happy medium between simplicity and common use needs and the power to control what attributes get copied. Going back to the other forum thread I linked to earlier, the consensus was that different modifier keys would offer each option when the eyedropper is active. This is already there in part with the shift key depressed giving a different result than a straightforward eyedropper click.
    At the risk of being redundant with what we have all said - I agree with your position @b77
    The most common solution sought should be the default.
    That said, one thing I love about this in VS that is frustrating in Illustrator, I can change the color of a stroke by clicking on any color in the project - even if that source color is a fill and not a stroke. In Illustrator, I would have to be sure to only use the swatches to change the stroke color because it keeps track of what you are using for reference -

    It should be as you described as the default. Standard eyedropper should copy and paste all expected attributes and a modifier key should take care of the cool options less needed by most users

  • administrators

    @Boldline @b77 In this case, it is not just about copying both the object and the text attributes.
    This problem is more of a bug than a need for new feature, as any highlighted text should consider the object fill attribute when copied.

  • administrators

    @Boldline This problem should be fixed in build 1.1.048