Clicking on artboard using the shift modifier deselects what was already selected
I'm using the new 1.2.032 build. I know some edits were recently made to the shift modifier selection/deselect, etc in recent builds. I don't know if this is related, but when I am using the shift modifier to click and select to add to my total of selected items on the artboard, if I then click on the artboard itself (while shift is still held down), the entire selection is lost. This is not how VS behaved before if I remember correctly.
I tested this on Illustrator on a different computer and also in Affinity Designer and in both cases, clicking on the artboard with shift held down did not end the current active selection. This video shows me attempting this in Affinity first and then in Vectorstyler build 32
The expected result would be that clicking on the artboard while using the shift modifier does not deselect what was already selected
@Boldline I see the same. Must be a regression, don't remember this happening before .032
In any case not desirable behaviour for Shift Select
@Boldline @larsherold it is a regression.