Transparency Panel Dysfunction
A couple of issues:
The Blend dropdown is stuck on "Normal" no matter what blend mode it actually is. However, it does not seem possible to set it back to "Normal". The "Blend" option stays checked permanently so my assumption is you check it, it will ignore the user's selection.
The Opacity slider is not working. It reports the correct Opacity at first, then tries to slide back to 100% when playing with it. It doesn't appear to effect the Object at all.
@debraspicher I could not replicate these. I also tried with the previous workspace sent by you, but it is still working.
Can you send me the current workspace files when this issue occurs? Thanks!
@VectorStyler It appears to be a specific Object in this file. I just rechecked. I'll email the file, WS and mark it with a screenshot.
@debraspicher Got it.