Color Palette > Global Color issues

  • A few issues:

    1- Adding a new swatch for an Object and then defining it as a Global and then editing color and previewing caused entire palette of global swatches to adjust at the same:


    2- In another instance, I was trying to add a new swatch underneath a preexisting global. Going into Edit Color and adjusting it with Preview caused the prior swatch to modify... it was made from another Object and though it was still assigned, it didn't effect it.

    I will email that file that's left in that state.


    3- You'll notice that the "Bridge" swatch is selected in the Palette panel and the fill for the Bridge in document is selected in Layers. At 0:10, it went "poof" when I reselected the swatch that was already assigned to that Object because Editing the swatch and selecting Preview was not working. It made itself a global copy with the same name that was non-selectable (you'd have to zoom in to see my attempts to click).

    Not in video: Exporting this palette to a .csv to see if it retained the value or not allowed me to be able to select the swatch again.


  • Added more video.

    Deleting swatches causes more Layers to recolor themselves on that file. This operation can't be undone even though it's listed in the Edit menu.!AuWHX0h5bAoRio9H1EMhOEJ-E6O85g?e=KWJoom

  • I'm not sure if this is a bug or a UX issue. It appears to be a bug as I could recolor Objects that had globals attached to them at moment but using the hamburger's "Edit color" in one instance but not another (video below). Anyway, it seems we can't alter Objects with a global swatch using the spectrum/color wheel though it appears we can in the UI. I appreciate that it keeps a global from being erased by accident, so this may not be a bad thing.

    However, I think the spectrum maybe needs to be adjusted so that it is not appearing to be active/usable? Or, we can hold a modifier to "activate" it and the Global from here. That would be really cool and unique to VS. Most programs require accessing of dialogs and so editing globals can be a little tedious.

    An actual bug: In one instance though, even with "Edit" color" I could not override the Object and give it a new color (sans global). It didn't have this problem before, so seems to just be a one off:!AuWHX0h5bAoRio9I3CHOKRleew7kZA?e=1bSMWu

    Globals are definitely very buggy atm and completely unusable. I'm having to remove them individually because there's no way I can work with them directly if I need to edit them.

    Edit: Edited for clarity to separate UX from potential bug.

  • administrators

    @debraspicher said in Color Palette > Global Color issues:

    1- Adding a new swatch for an Object and then defining it as a Global and then editing color and previewing caused entire palette of global swatches to adjust at the same:

    In the video, when the first global swatch is edited, the last one is also changing for the preview. This must be a bug, I will try to replicate it.

    2- In another instance, I was trying to add a new swatch underneath a preexisting global. Going into Edit Color and adjusting it with Preview caused the prior swatch to modify... it was made from another Object and though it was still assigned, it didn't effect it.

    Probably the same error as (1), I will try to find out more.

    3- You'll notice that the "Bridge" swatch is selected in the Palette panel and the fill for the Bridge in document is selected in Layers. At 0:10, it went "poof" when I reselected the swatch that was already assigned to that Object because Editing the swatch and selecting Preview was not working. It made itself a global copy with the same name that was non-selectable (you'd have to zoom in to see my attempts to click).

    Might be related to (1), I will try to fix it.

  • administrators

    @debraspicher said in Color Palette > Global Color issues:

    Deleting swatches causes more Layers to recolor themselves on that file

    This can be replicated, it is a bug, and will be fixed ASAP.

  • administrators

    @debraspicher said in Color Palette > Global Color issues:

    we can't alter Objects with a global swatch using the spectrum/color wheel

    This is a bug and has been replicated already and the fix will be in the next build.

    An actual bug: In one instance though, even with "Edit" color" I could not override the Object and give it a new color (sans global). It didn't have this problem before, so seems to just be a one off:

    I will try to replicate this.

  • Just glad to be of help. Thank you for looking into these.