Vector Style 1.1.100 Regression Bug?- Path Panel removed from menu ...
I believe all the UI is customizable so it's possible to create your own menu structure. Is it possible that somehow this got corrupted?
@pentool Yes I totally agree. I just need to comb through the containers and libraries to see if I can find the settings and delete them. Deleting and reinstalling the app alone did not help. Currently, the application is completely nutty.
@pentool However, I never customized anything to have so caused the corruption.
Did you delete all VectorStyler related folders? For example, there's a cache folder in:
~/Library/Caches/com.vectorstylerI'm not sure what that's used for exactly but if you just simply delete the app, the cache folder won't be removed. Who knows what's in there...
@pentool Thanks: I missed that folder the first time I looked ... I guess I was looking for too many things, also related to NumericPath and all variations ... Anyway, I deleted the folder, and the app, reinstalled and still the same
So this is a tad going overboard, but you could try to create a new user account and install the app there. Then Command-drag the installed application into Macintosh HD > Applications, so it will only be installed for that specific user (as opposed to for everyone).
Not saying this will help but a step to try to isolate the issue (since I don't have more ideas). After this "test" you can delete the extra user account you created.
If it works, then it's something about your user account. If it doesn't, then, well, it's something else...
Yes, that might work, but beyond what I would try for an application trial.
I am sorry that I have to say this, and it might be premature only after a week of using the app. But consistent with the impressions of some YouTubers expressed a year ago, and with my experience of serious performance issues related to lag, a busy interface, and overwhelming features and options, these issues really leave the impression that I am using a pre-alpha release application that is not ready for prime time.
I was under the impression you have already removed the user data folder - as VectorStyler - previously suggested.
I had also missed the NumericPath folder in the application support folder. After deleting everything and reinstalling, I got the proper menu structure back.
BTW, despite my reservations above, I decided to become a paying customer. I. just purchased a license. I have high hopes for VS, especially considering the level and support and engagement from its developer(s).
@_NM_ welcome aboard!
Thank you! I have to say, the mesh gradient's thoughtful implementation is very intuitive. It simply does what you expect it to do.