Zooming-in makes line(s) disappear
This application is out for like, what... 2 years or so? How is it possible that there are so many issues on a BASIC level!? HOW IS IT POSSIBLE!? I mean... look at this... I try to zoom in where a line touches a shape and all of a sudden the line disappears at a certain zoom level. Sheesh...
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dchIC3JMSB4File (just in case)
0_1691968691336_zoom-makes-line-disappear.vstylerVS 1.1.099
I don't know what's on your plate but please stop adding features - in case you still do! More features = even more bugs. Focus on testing, finding and fixing bugs.
@pentool It looks like what makes the line disappear for a split second at high zoom levels is
the panning "part" when zooming by expanding with two fingers.Zooming with Option-swipe up is almost flawless here on my 2016 MBP (which is closer in "age" to
your 2015 MBP) — only really fast zooming with Option-swipe up (a fast swipe up) makes the line
disappear at the high zoom level of the test file.Btw, I also tried zooming in Illustrator CS 5.5 on my Sierra partition, and while zooming by expanding
with two fingers cannot be done in AI (afaik) and zoom at the time was limited to 6400% (I wonder why ),
zooming with scroll wheel/Option-swipe is not exactly smooth either — there is a visible refresh
"step" (or "jump"?) when displaying the zoomed-in line.
I'm not swiping anything. I use Command + +/- to zoom in and out. Also, the problem is not with the zooming. The problem is the line disappears. And no, it doesn't disappears for a "split second". I can press the Spacebar and try panning whichever way but the line doesn't come back until you start zooming out. So that doesn't seem to be a refresh issue.
I'm not doing traditional illustration. I'm trying to do very basic technical illustration where precision matter (well, more less). Eg, lines must snap at correct points, touch at shapes, positioned correctly, etc, but even snapping a line to a circle is troublesome.
Last time I reported that even Collision Snapping is incorrect (...but that's a different issue). It's very difficult to do anything precise (or even close to it) when things just don't work or work incorrectly.
Yes, using your file, I get the same issue. I use the marquee tool for zooming rather than command +/- .
Just clicking the + zoom button gets to the point where the line disappears, option-clicking to come back one zoom level re-instates the line, so it's certainly repeatable. It isn't speed related,
The zoom level display indicator tops out at 12800%, but the line disappears above that level.
Max zoom level is set at 10000000 in my doc display prefs, 10% as the incremental value, 150% as the clicking zoom factor and 5% as the repeated zoom factor (whatever that is ???)Neil
Just noticed something, when the line disappears in outline preview mode, if you switch back to preview mode, the line is there