Grid Snapping doesn't work when Guide Snapping is enabled AND shape width = artboard width
Try this:
- Enable grid snapping only and show the grid.
- Create a rectangle that is smaller in width and height than the artboard.
- Drag the rectangle around. It will snap to the grid.
- Delete the rectangle and create another one. This time start dragging out the rectangle from the left edge of the artboard and extend it all the way to the right edge of the artboard.
- Drag the rectangle up and down. As you drag the rectangle up and down, make sure its left side perfectly touches the left side of the artboard and its right side perfectly touches the right side of the artboard. (You can hold SHIFT to constrain the movement vertically.) Notice it will snap to the grid. So far so good.
- Now enable guide snapping in addition to grid snapping as well (but don't place any guides on the artboard).
- As you drag the rectangle up/down (again, hold SHIFT to constrain the movement vertically), it will no longer snap to the grid.
- Show the rulers and drag a horizontal guide from the ruler at the top to the artboard in-between the grids (so you can see it).
- As you drag the rectangle up/down (hold SHIFT to constrain movement vertically) it will still not snap to the grid but will snap to the guide.
- Disable guide snapping (so only grid snapping is enabled). Now the rectangle will snap to the grid again as you move it up/down.
See video here: 1.1.094
@pentool Replicated here also, added to the backlog of bugs.