Second cut through with eraser tool erases first cut shape
I noticed that if I have a shape selected and use the eraser tool to cut a section and essentially divide the original shape into 2 pieces, if I then use the eraser tool again and cut another section, the first divided section disappears and the eraser creates a fill shape like the path brush tool.
If I were to click again after this point, the entire shape disappears, which is also odd.If I deselect the shape in between eraser cuts, it works properly.
Is there a way to cut it twice without having to deselect the main shape in-between?Here is a video of this happening to better explain
Here is the original shape:
After first cut through with eraser tool:
After second cut through with eraser tool:
@Boldline Replicated, this is a regression.
@Boldline Disable the "Separate path with Eraser Tool" option for now.