Can't grab resize handler when text field is too small,

  • I can't replicate any of the issues described by @Arde and @fde101, it's working as expected for me.

    The only behaviour different from Illustrator is when selecting fields with different fonts and trying to apply the same style to all, i.e. making everything bold, in VectorStyler all the fields will change to the selected font in the font tab, while Illustrator will hide both the font and style and won't let you do it to prevent unwanted result.

  • administrators

    @Kyriakos Seems that the error occurs if the paragraph attribute (for example alignment) has a local override value. This should be cleared when setting the alignment from the frame, but it is not. This is the big.

  • @vectoradmin said in Can't grab resize handler when text field is too small,:

    Seems that the error occurs if the paragraph attribute (for example alignment) has a local override value.

    But I can systematically reproduce this error from fresh restart of VS:

    1. Create a paragraph text frame and type something, e.g. Text. It has left alignment.

    2. Copy the text frame using the Option key twice so that you have three objects.

    3. Select them all, now apply right alignment from the Paragraph panel. Only the topmost text frame has alignment changed.

    So no local deviations or conflicts here, there should be three identical separate text frames but only one is affected. Note that the same applies to all paragraph related settings (indent, vertical shift, etc.). Settings of the Character panel however work as expected (are applied to all selected text frames).

  • @Arde I can reproduce it now, it seems to happen only if you copy-paste the frame but not if you make new ones.

  • administrators

    @Arde @fde101 @Kyriakos Yes I also replicated it. Copy paste is the key. This one is a different bug from the override issue.

  • administrators

    @Kyriakos @Arde @fde101 New build should fix the text frame copy pasting issues.

  • @vectoradmin Thanks! So 'Proportional Text Scaling' and 'Proportional Image Scaling' (Preferences > Changing Options) are not enabled by default?

  • administrators

    @b77 No, they are not enabled by default.

  • Is it only me that thinks they should? ☺

  • administrators

    @b77 I was thinking of what is the expected behavior if having previous experience with a popular illustration software.

  • Global Moderator


    My vote would be to enable those two by default, but I recognize that there are some philosophical differences here and different users coming from different applications may have different expectations and desires.

    You would think that you would normally want text and images to scale proportionally and that requiring the modifiers to do this means that the modifiers would be needed more often than not, thus the "standard" behavior is the less often useful one. To me this is the more consistent behavior because dragging the object without the modifier does the thing you are more likely to want and dragging with the modifier does the less common thing.

    On the other hand, there is a school of thought that this makes the UI less orthogonal in that different types of objects are treated differently when scaling: text scales proportionally without the modifiers while a rectangle scales non-proportionally without, then suddenly the behavior seems "inconsistent" to some people because different types of objects have different behaviors.

    In the end, you can't make everyone happy no matter which one you default to, so the more useful thing is to make sure that people have the option to choose which behavior they want by customizing their preferences, and this is now in place.

  • @fde101 I would also enable proportional scaling for shapes by default, not just for text and images, but that's me. 🙂

    @vectoradmin Maybe asking the user when first running the app which behavior to mimic (AI? CorelDRAW?) would be a solution. If the user chooses 'CDR', proportional scaling would be enabled for shapes, text and images, rotation with Shift would be in 15° increments, selecting objects would not include those "touched" by the selection marquee, and maybe some other things I can't think of right now.

  • Global Moderator


    If that approach were taken, I would also suggest adding an option to mimic the Affinity products, which use proportional scaling by default for text and images but not for shapes.