The stroke window in the context panel/menu does not correspond...

  • ... to the correct colour choice appearing in the colour panel:

    -context menu
    0_1667895468422_Capture.JPG .

    • Colour panel

    Also, I'm just playing with the transform tool & gradients, and I notice that the number of (gradient) repeats is not accurately implemented in the objects for specific values:

    • repeat = 3


    -repeat 4, correct:

    Edit: @VectorStyler I can send you the file if needed ☺

  • administrators

    @PatrickM Cannot replicate the color panel issue (here it shows the gradient). Send me the file.

    As for the repeats: this is not shown in the Gradient panel for the gradient color editor (knobs must align positions), and when editing on the canvas. But it should be shown in the "Color" drop down and the object. So if there is an example for this, send also that.

  • @VectorStyler file sent ☺