Unable to draw gradient on hidden object - handtracing scenario
This is a scenario that is very typical in my workflows during handtracing of a colored drawing or color photo:
- draw a shape or use a built-in shape over some of the original drawing/photo
- toggle fill/outline so there is guaranteed fill
- hide it (but keep it selected in the layers panel)
- activate gradient with keyboard shortcut or toolbar
- draw gradient
- select gradient stops one by one, using color picker + alt/Option to get color from original photo/drawing
3) activate gradient with keyboard shortcut or toolbar- Does not work
2) toggle fill/outline so there is guaranteed fill
2B) add temporary gradient to fill
@Ingolf I will try to fix this, not sure if these tools will work on hidden objects.
@VectorStyler said in Unable to draw gradient on hidden object - handtracing scenario:
@Ingolf I will try to fix this, not sure if these tools will work on hidden objects.
It does work on a hidden object now but only when there is a gradient already. I will make a video of how it works in Affinity that keeps the selection visible when hiding something.
@Ingolf But is the gradient visible?
@VectorStyler said in Unable to draw gradient on hidden object - handtracing scenario:
@Ingolf But is the gradient visible?
This is how it works in Affinity Designer:
More that shows how selecting objects/layers are handled in Affinity Designer with either the move tool or fill tool. VS works like this too but when the gradient/fill tool is selected in VS it cannot be used on the selected object.
And VS for comparison: