Copy/Paste from AI broken ?
Been having some issues this afternoon, copy from AI and pasting into VS seems to be broken - asks about replacement fonts, sort that out and hit OK and - nothing?
Even copying something basic without fonts isn't working.
Also been having crashes when opening either AI or PDF files directly.
Import IS working, but isn't importing the background image (all unlocked).
This all worked very well before
Maybe it's just a Monday thing for me.Arghhhh, just had another crash, after importing just the vector data from a PDF, I went to ungroup it and crash.
This is version 1.1.060
@Igull If you can send that troublesome AI file(s) to @VectorStyler either on here, or if you want privacy, to his email, he can probably diagnose an issue if he can replicate it. Also getting a screen recording of the steps might help as well.
These are the steps I take when I run into difficult files and it helps expedite a solution
@Boldline said in Copy/Paste from AI broken ?:
@Igull If you can send that troublesome AI file(s) to @VectorStyler either on here, or if you want privacy, to his email, he can probably diagnose an issue if he can replicate it. Also getting a screen recording of the steps might help as well.
These are the steps I take when I run into difficult files and it helps expedite a solutionI might send that at some point if I find there are other files with problems. I've just been testing with some other AI files and no issues so far (other than the background bit image image file showing as inverted for some reason ??)
It would seem that the issue is just wit this one file.
However copy/paste from AI definitely isn't working for me.I'll make up some test files with similar data and see where I can get.
In this case, a video wouldn't add to the equation - Open File - crash, I'm not fast enough to video that
@Igull Send what you want to send of course - I send even the issues with one file that seem like an anomaly, because even if it's a rare issue for me, it still could be something that affects another user. I have clients who inadvertently send me plenty of files with issues for me to work with and then I turn around and test in VS and send along to improve what it can handle!
I use Illustrator CS6 on the side and have not noticed any issues copy and pasting vectors into VS relating to your issue myself, so hopefully it's an easy solution
@Igull I cannot replicate this here, but I got the crash reports.
If you have a file where this occurs, please send it to me (seems to be related to text).
@Boldline said in Copy/Paste from AI broken ?:
@Igull Send what you want to send of course - I send even the issues with one file that seem like an anomaly, because even if it's a rare issue for me, it still could be something that affects another user. I have clients who inadvertently send me plenty of files with issues for me to work with and then I turn around and test in VS and send along to improve what it can handle!
Yes, you're right, but it may be common elsewhere and might help others at some point, thanks for reminding me
Me being selfish is of no helpI use Illustrator CS6 on the side and have not noticed any issues copy and pasting vectors into VS relating to your issue myself, so hopefully it's an easy solution
It seems that it's OK with all the other files I tried, must just be this one.
I've just posted another issue I noticed while trying to figure this out
@Igull Got the file, I will get back to you once I manage to replicate.
@VectorStyler said in Copy/Paste from AI broken ?:
@Igull I cannot replicate this here, but I got the crash reports.
If you have a file where this occurs, please send it to me (seems to be related to text).Update: removed the few 'Myriad Pro' font text snippets and problem disappeared.
@Igull said in Copy/Paste from AI broken ?:
Update: removed the few 'Myriad Pro' font text snippets and problem disappeared
The problem is still there, but this is the workaround
I will try to fix it for the next build.
@Igull said in Copy/Paste from AI broken ?:
Yes, you're right, but it may be common elsewhere and might help others at some point, thanks for reminding me
Me being selfish is of no helpYou're not alone. I can understand and relate to that feeling. Stopping one's workflow to curate an email or post with files and pics and the like attached is a labor of love. I try to remind myself that these little steps are my way of helping VS become mature and an amazing alternative to Adobe, etc.. that usually motivates me lol.
I also try to think of all the problems others have indirectly solved for me by making the effort to give feedback and share issues.Thank you for all you have shared and contributed so far to the improvement of VS
@Igull Crash can be replicate here also.
@VectorStyler said in Copy/Paste from AI broken ?:
@Igull Crash can be replicate here also.
Great, thanks.
And since everyone uses the tools and possibilities in VS in their own
and special way. Everyone finds probably also other places
that can be improved in VS.Sharing this knowledge can only be beneficial for everyone.
@Igull This issue should be fixed in build 1.1.062
@VectorStyler said in Copy/Paste from AI broken ?:
@Igull This issue should be fixed in build 1.1.062
Copy from AI then pasting to VS now works, but, when pasting the copied object into VS, it seems to be contained within a clipping mask.
If you 'object/expand clipped groups', then, while it does expand, it also outlines any strokesPerhaps I'm missing something here and someone can clarify if that is the intended result ? I would have assumed a simple and straight copy/paste ?