Auto-save backup did not work as it should - but is it related to switching preferences files??

  • I was working on a project and in the middle of it, decided to test the default preferences settings - so I saved the art file, switched away from my custom settings and over to the default and then restarted VS as prompted and reopened my file and kept working. I may have switched back and forth one or two more times... but eventually settled back on my own custom saved settings and worked for a while more before VS suddenly crashed. Upon reopening VS, I was prompted with a recovery file acceptance and I did so - but nothing came up - the screen stayed dark. Vs acted like it was frozen, so I force quit as it was telling me VS was not responding (not sure if that was prior to or due to the force quit) and upon reopening, did not get any recovery option and in checking the recovery folder location, there were no files saved in there.

    My first thought was the switching between preferences files might have caused an issue - since the default has auto backup disabled by default, and my custom settings has it enabled. This makes me wonder how VS handles existing files when switching between preferences files with different save settings. Does it just adopt the current settings whenever they are applied?

    My second thought is that there was a recovery file because VS prompted me to open the recovery file when I first restarted Vs - but then next force quit negated that recovery file - when it appeared VS had potentially frozen again.

    Would it make sense and be possible to have the recovery folder hold the last 5-10 recovery files for either a certain amount of time or let them cycle out as the next 5-10 recovery files are created? This way if there is a problem with recovering them the first time, they still could be potentially recovered the next time - albeit going into the recovery folder to reopen them?

    This would also help in cases where the file caused a freeze and in reopening the recovered file, the freeze continues and makes it impossible to save or send out for diagnosis.

    Not that this is entirely related, but we had also discussed adding the option to pick and choose which recovery files to open

  • administrators

    @Boldline Changing preferences files may clear the recovery file list.
    I added this to the backlog, there are some improvements planned for 1.2 for file recovery, I will try to include this.