Select by Style> Fill Content not selecting the appropriate vectors shapes

  • Often I cannot get the find >select by style> fill content to actually select applicable vectors in the design.
    All parts of the light blue in this design are the dame color and on the same layer, but for some reason, when I try to select them all by selecting the first one, it gives me an error message. the file is attached:

    0_1653425227720_select fill content.vstyler

    UPDATE: I tried it again and it worked. This happens often enough - it can take several tries to get it to potentially work

    0_1653424892374_85c784ff-8e29-46da-a814-89e6c47d1218-BLD 2022-05-24 at 16.40.57.png

    0_1653425012966_e5b8e3b0-da82-47ca-93f8-b623d596b9c5-BLD 2022-05-24 at 16.43.22.png

  • administrators

    @Boldline I could not replicate this.
    In some cases maybe using the "Fill Style" (two items down) is better when selecting same by fill.
    The Fill Content might contain some other options that do not match.