Text frame scaling problem
I'm playing around with formatting text, when scaling the text field with the scale tool after various format changes the text behaves strange, see screendump, the frame to the right has been scaled down but the text size is increasing.
@Clausj This looks like a bug of some sort, with the scaling.
When using the scale toolthe content of the frame should also be scaled, but not as in the example.
Could you send me the above example in a vstyler file (the two frames) by email to csraba at vectorstyler.com. I will try to replicate this issue.
@Clausj Was the first frame (Before scaling side) scaled up after creating it?
No, it was created by dragging the text tool and handles have been dragged to ajust size but no scaling with the scale tool.
@Clausj OK. I replicated the issue, will find a fix, but meanwhile here is the workaround:
after resizing the frame with the transform tool (not the scale tool), use Object -> Convert to Curves to convert the frame (not the text) to curves and flatten the added scaling (scaling was added by the transform tool).Then the scale tool can be used to add scaling from there.
The bug here is caused by VS considering all scaling (including the ones added by the transform tool) when the scaling tool is used. I will fix this ASAP.
@Clausj Text frame scaling issues are fixed in build 1.0.052
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