Selecting color can only be done in steps, unless the color selector palette is undocked (Windows)
When the color selector palette is docked to the side, selecting a color only happens in what seems to be arbitrary steps:
However, when I undock the palette, selecting a color is smooth:
@Gremriel I could not replicate this (tried both Windows and Mac). Is there an object selected while changing the color?
I didn't think of that. But yes, this happens when an object is selected. When nothing is selected, dragging in the color circle is smooth when the palette is docked.
@Gremriel The only thing I get is a delay in update of those small knobs indicating the current color. This delay is by design, and happens in both docked and undocked state.
Ok, I understand. It seems that by lowering the drag speed allows me to select a color that is closer to where the 'dot' was when I clicked on it.