Typing a Comma while within a text box brings up split view
I noticed when I type out text, if I use the comma key inside that text, it brings up the split view. I noticed split view has the shortcut of a comma. Is there a way to not let keyboard shortcuts function when inside the text box?
A couple other text issues I saw; I cannot copy text from a web browser and paste into a text box. Also, when I double click on text inside a text box, it does not highlight the entire line of text, just a word.
This was all using the current windows beta
Part of this could be tied to the issue I emailed you about where the paste ability grays out in Windows
@Boldline Replicated the split screen issue on Windows, it will be fixed (works fine on Mac).
Will work more on the paste issues to find the root cause.
@Boldline Fixed in build 1.0.046