Some bugs/quirks

  • Hello,
    I have found these bugs/quirks so far using the software:

    1. Reflection tool doesn't use snap. I think it should do it because precision is needed working with vectors.
    2. Outline/fill color switch randomly stops working.
    3. No transformation arrows when working in crosshair mode.
    4. Color blends don’t work when exporting to SVG.
    5. Gradient fill expands limits to almost double the size when exporting in SVG.

    I hope these can be solved

  • administrators

    @Fertuffo said in Some bugs/quirks:

    I will open a bug on some of these:

    1. Reflection tool doesn't use snap. I think it should do it because precision is needed working with vectors.

    I could not replicate this. At least the start/end points of the reflection axis snaps, but of course the shape does not.

    1. Outline/fill color switch randomly stops working.

    Was this with keyboard shortcuts, or the color panel swap knob?

    1. No transformation arrows when working in crosshair mode.

    Yes, this is by design. I will try to find a solution.

    1. Color blends don’t work when exporting to SVG.

    This is a known open issue, will be fixed in the near future.

    1. Gradient fill expands limits to almost double the size when exporting in SVG.

    I will open a separate bug on this.

  • @VectorStyler said in Some bugs/quirks:

    Was this with keyboard shortcuts, or the color panel swap knob?

    With swap knob

    Thank you

  • administrators

    @Fertuffo said in Some bugs/quirks:

    Gradient fill expands limits to almost double the size when exporting in SVG.

    I could not replicate this (gradient fill svg export).

    Please send me a vstyler file that when exported to SVG results in expanded gradients, it might help replicating the issue.

    There could be a number of other attributes (transforms) that might cause this.
