[Data Source] Selecting text in textfields
I just faced a few new issues.
- I'm unable to select whole text placed in textfields (text wrap on) created by using Canvas Data Grid.
- Text is disappearing while editing. In multiple placess all over whole artboards. Have to refresh manually to see changes.
- Impossible to use different font sizes within one field.
- Spliting textfield into chars/lines/words and refreshing restores textfiled.
@encart I will try to replicate these. But (3) is not an error, since a piece of text from a data source is a variable, it cannot be formatted locally., unless "expanded" first.
I considered such a scenario and tried converting, breaking the text, unlinking data source, but unfortunately nothing works. Any operation causes disappearing of all created variables. Refreshing restores the previous state.
@encart said in [Data Source] Selecting text in textfields:
Any operation causes disappearing of all created variables. Refreshing restores the previous state.
I will try to replicate this and find a solution
@encart I'm trying to replicate this with some test data, but variable text selection seems to be working in this case.
Can you send me the file form the recording? Thanks!