Cannot adjust gradient stop opacity through Stroke appearance

    1. Apply a gradient to a stroke
    2. In the Appearance Palette, select the small gradient swatch for the Stroke. The Gradient Palette will pop up. (In the video I created two Strokes, both with Gradients, to blend them together. This is irrevelant for the problem at hand. The same issue exist if you only have a single stroke.)
    3. Select a gradient stop
    4. Adjust its Opacity slider. The Gradient Palette will abruptly disappear and will be replaced by the single color mode palette. Now you have to click the small color swatch for the Stroke (in the Appearance Palette) and you have to select the Gradient again. So you cannot adjust the opacity of the gradient stop this way.
    5. However, when you bring up the main Gradient Palette, and try to adjust the opacity of a gradient stop, you can do that succesfully.

    Furthermore (I forgot to record this in the video), if you delete the line, the two stroke entries in the Appearance Palette will not get deleted.


    VS 1.2.039

  • administrators

    @pentool Yes, this can be replicated. I will try to have it fixed before the next build.