Font dropdown list glitch (Windows)
I can confirm this bug. It also happens on my PC running Windows 11. Happens on both 4K and 1440 monitor.
Edit >Preferences > Text Display > "Preview Fonts in Lists" toggling does not fix.Here is an image for visual reference:
Same on Mac Sierra here, when I click on the down arrow of the fonts list. It takes several tries before I can stay on the list and chose my font.
@Victor-Vector This error has been reported before and I could not replicate it on Windows (nor on Mac).
@Devil-Dinosaur if it is possible to make a short recording (we use on how to replicate this it would help a lot! Thanks!
@vectoradmin After trying again I know that this is indeed my mistake. I finally understood that I had to press the arrow button once and not keep the drop down menu button pressed. That made me confused since the menu appeared/disappeared.
So finally no problem by my side.
@Gremriel This problem should be fixed in build 1.1.024
@vectoradmin It's still there for me, at least the first time I open the dropdown menu. The list is empty, except two fonts at the bottom. I scroll up using the scrollbar, and the fonts appear.
Now, when I use the scrollbar, the font list empties again, until I reach the two fonts at the bottom. However, when I scroll the list with the scroll button on my mouse, the dropdown menu works as expected (but it takes ages to reach a font I'd like to use.
@Gremriel Is the font preview alignment correct now?
I will keep the issue with empty list part open.
@vectoradmin This is what it looks for me.
@Gremriel This problem should be fixed in build 1.1.048
@VectorStyler Thank you! How did you solve it without being able to reproduce it?
*edit: I saw a post where you were finally able to reproduce it.
@Gremriel Yes, I was able to replicate the issue by changing the UI scaling settings in the preferences.