Entering text editing mode (shape text)

  • After a shape text has been applied some distortion transformation, it is often difficult to re-enter text editing. There does not always appear symbol for insertion point so one easily ends up creating another shape text or adding text on path of the text shape one is trying to edit.

    I think at some point (might have been macOS version) it was possible to have insertion point placed at the beginning of the first character of the shape text by using the right arrow key whenever the shape text object was selected and the Shape text button was clicked , but yet a better option would be adding e.g. menu command for entering editing mode, or placing the text cursor at the start or end of the shape text whenever T is pressed while having a text shape already selected.

    EDIT: I think I might have failed to see that the shape is no longer a text shape -- this seems to happen if e.g. Liquify tool is applied, and possibly also if some other distortions are applied. I think the layer panel reveals whether an object is still editable as text. But there are also indications left that let one understand that distorted shape is still text, e.g. font is shown for the object, though if it is tried to be changed, one can easily see that this cannot be done as the object is no longer text. It could be somehow more clearly indicated whether an object is still shape text (perhaps there is a clear indication, but I just have failed to notice it).

  • administrators

    @Arde Some of the tools (like Liquify and and the others in that group) are destructive shape effects. This means that the object shape is converted to curves before the tool modifies them. One aspect of these tools is that they can modify a smaller region of the object.

    The other tools (the next three groups in then toolbox) like Elastic warp, Mesh, Envelope etc. are non-destructive. These effects can also be added from the Shape Effects panel. And it is recommended to use the Shape Effects panel to inspect and adjust the parameters of these effects at any time.
    Non-destructive effects are stacked on the object (or group), their parameters remain adjustable, or the effect can be removed. The object shape remains editable in this case.