Carbage palette creation from image (Windows RC21)

  • I tried to create a palette of 25 swatches from a JPG image on disk (the same that shows here in the screenshot). While the colors of the palette seem to be picked correctly from the image, the have 00=00=00 values which do not produce any color value for the selected object, and cannot be edited (if tried, the sliders cannot be moved):


    This can be reproduced consistently so you probably do not need the vstyler file (but I can send it if needed).

  • administrators

    @Arde Yes, this can be replicated. Looks like the problem occurs when using the Palette panel menu command, and adding to the main palette.
    As a workaround, try to create a new palette using the *Panels -> Palettes -> Create Palette from Image" command. This creates a separate palette, that can be saved as a separate file.

    Fix will be in the next build.