Setting units of measurement

  • Today was the first time I really spent any time setting up a canvas I would use for my work. Before now I was just opening a standard document and testing tools and the like.
    When I go to make a new document under "new document setup", under "general", I'm given the option to set the type of measurement used for both the units and the ruler. In other vector apps, I use inches for my document and ruler and use points for my text sizing.
    If I use this set up and go to the artboard settings, the width and height are set to pts. If I go back and make my unit measurement type "inches", then the artboard settings are in inches, but in the final created document, the text tool is also set to inches.
    I know we Americans cause headaches being the only industrialized country in the world that does not use the metric system as its predominant system of measurement.
    Is there a way to allow for the file to be sized in inches and the text be set in points at the same time?

  • @Boldline I think that if you change the 'Font Size Units' from 'Default' to 'Points' it should work (Preferences > Number editors), but it seems that only for the next new document.

  • @b77 Thanks! That worked and I then closed out VS and reopened and the new document was set up as I wanted - it remembered the setting in preferences