Snap to Points doesn't seem to work

  • @VectorStyler

    got it,
    but is near to impoosible to get the "x" Sign for a point
    wenn the selection Frame is close by that point
    see at 0:25
    Here the Video

  • @VectorStyler and others.

    Found it! (But partly solved)

    The missing X-cross put me on the track and reminded me whether I changed something in the settings that caused this.

    Well, I turned off the setting: Selection > Detect Hovering Node. Because I would like to get rid of the X-cross. Unnecessary visual noise around my pointer.

    Detect Hovering with a visual x-mark on or off should not affect the node to node snapping option. I can work better without the useless X signal, but now I'm unfortunately stuck with it again.

    Future feature wish:
    Make the 'Detect Hovering Node' setting valid as a visual indicator only. After all, it says 'detect'. Leave snapping in the snapping options.

    If you want to use a precision-like tool cross, use a + shaped cross mark. Compatible with y-and y-axes based artboard for positioning and symbolically positive.

    Please no x shape. Not compatible with y-and y-axes and symbolically used to indicate the absence of something or concept of negation or NO! The opposite of what we're looking for.

    Turn this setting into the setting: 'Use precision cursor'. When snapping to points on, it will automatically stick to the points like it does now.

  • administrators

    @Ayo I will try to improve this. One thing that could be added (in the future) is to snap any cusp node of a shape with a snapping option enabled.

  • @VectorStyler said in Snap to Points doesn't seem to work:

    One thing that could be added (in the future) is to snap any cusp node of a shape with a snapping option enabled.

    I don't understand this.
    Why only cusp nodes?


  • administrators

    @Ayo Sorry for the misunderstanding, I was not referring to any symbol under the cursor.

    I was thinking of the shape that is moved, which part of that shape to be snapping to the target point? Should the whole shape? any node? or just cusp nodes?

  • @Ayo

    one way i found to use "Snap to point" without
    the "x" Indicator.

    is select all nodes of the Shape with the Node Tool
    and move the that selection then with the Node Tool...
    this way "Snap to Points" will work without a "x"
    by now. You have to convert the shape into curves
    of course.

    Here a Video

    the "x" indicator may have some uses
    but i am also no friend of it, find it distracting

  • @Subpath said in Snap to Points doesn't seem to work:

    selection then with the Node Tool

    Selection with the Node Tool works fine without x-cross on this simple free-standing test example. But as soon as a document and form becomes more complicated and/or more layered, you are forced to select all points one by one, which is a cumbersome way. Otherwise you also take points that belong to other objects.

  • @Ayo said in Snap to Points doesn't seem to work:

    you are forced to select all points one by one, which is a cumbersome way.

    When in node editing mode and an object is selected, press Cmd-A and all its nodes will be selected.

    Also: I hope 'Select Nodes from All Objects' is disabled in Settings > Path Editor.

  • @b77

    works pretty well

  • @Subpath said in Snap to Points doesn't seem to work:

    works pretty well

    And another point for the Node Tool! ☺ (my favourite default)
