indicators still disappear after a certain amount of time

  • I created a few pen tool lines earlier today (everything worked great) and then came back to them now and noticed the indicators are not showing again. When I go to select shapes with the transform tool - there's no indication they are selected. I can still edit them in some ways, like pulling out the lines.. Is this tied to the previous issue we were talking about?
    Here is the video. I can send the file if that would help. I'm sure if I restart the app, it will return again

  • I have noticed the same bug, where I can not select the shapes. Sometimes click to select still works, but I can not drag to select shapes. I also had some objects just completely disappearing after a couple of tries, they were completely deleted on the page and in the layers stack.

  • administrators

    This seems to be a bug.
    Would closing and reopening fix this? Just asking to try to corner the issue.

  • @vectoradmin If I close out and reopen, everything works and displays fine again

  • using the newest build released today, I created a series of objects using the pen tool and then left them there (used other apps in front of it on the screen) for a while and came back to them a couple hours later and having the same issue with indicators missing.

    If I drag over the object with transform tool to select it, nothing happens and nothing is indicated. If I click directly on a line of an object, I can drag it around. If I use the shape editor i can grab where a node would be and move that node, or i can bend a path - again, no indicators showing
    When I go to make a new line with the pen tool, the pen tool icon shows up as move across the screen for a few second and then goes away. sometimes it returns as I am making a multi-segment path, other times it's just a black arrow as the cursor.
    any and all snapping is also non-existent in this state -
    I'll leave the file open for a while and attempt to do things you want tested if you want to share them with me

  • Just being thorough. I came back later to the open file (never closed it) and the indicators never returned - it's still not displaying them. so my guess is they wont return on their own.
    I saved the document and closed the file, but not the app entirely. I re-opened the file and all indicators were working normally again. So it does not require restarting the entire app to solve

  • administrators

    @Boldline Thanks for the info. I will investigate this more.

  • administrators

    @Boldline It seems that with a second screen attached, and on MacOS versions from El Capitan to High Sierra, this bug can be replicated.

  • @vectoradmin oh wow, so glad you were able to replicate it! I'm glad I mentioned the second monitor. Now that ours replicated, I hope you can fix the issue once and for all now.

  • I am glad you found a cause, as this bug makes working in VS rather imporssible atm.