How to move several objects in once in the layer panel from a layer to another?
Another simple question: how to move several objects from one layer to another in one go and not object by object?
When I select several objects on the artboard, I can only move one object at a time in the layer panel. I can't select layers with the "Shift" key if the objects are scattered and the "Ctrl" key makes all the layers disappear except for the last selected object.
After Ctrl:
@PatrickM In the Layers panel options (panel menu -> Panel Options), disable the Isolate on Control+Click. Then Control can be used to select multiple objects in the panel.
Also: enabling Select Highlighted and Highlight Selected in the Panel Options, (first column around center), will keep the selection on the canvas and Layers panel in sync.
@VectorStyler I've tried this but I've got a huge rectangle:
Impossible to see the bottom of the layer panel. I assume this is a bug.
... and suddently by clicking on the artboard, I get this:
By undoing, I could see that VS add fill noise.
@PatrickM Seems that something is dragged from the layers panel. Press Esc to cancel the drag&drop.
I will try to replicate this.
@VectorStyler 'esc' was my first move but it didn't do anything.
@VectorStyler and yes, I wanted to move objects from a layer to another one.