Shift-X does not swap fill and stroke settings when the pen, pencil, brush, etc is selected but no line is yet started
I noticed that when I have any of the pen, brush, pencil, line tools selected but have yet to add a mark on the document with it, I am unable to use the shortcut "shift-x" to swap between the fill and stroke settings. I have to make a mark and then afterward, I am able to swap the settings with that keyboard shortcut.
Ideally, the stroke and fill could be swapped at any time.
Often I am starting a new pen path for example, and the fill is on and no stroke. I see this before I begin using the pen tool and I want to adjust it prior to making the path, not just after. I currently have to use the cursor to click the arrow between them. Using the shortcut would be preferable.
@Boldline Yes, I reported this in Ncic's thread about working with the Pencil tool.
@Boldline Fix will be in the next build!
@Boldline This issue should be fixed in build 1.1.062